Afraid of being ‘found out’?

Does your empty calendar make your stomach drop every time DJing comes up?

Afraid of other DJs judging you because you’re not a ‘Real DJ’?

Maybe you just want to pump out mixes on a regular basis?

I was like that guy many years ago. I HATED talking about DJing because I felt like a failure, a fraud. What’s worse I knew I was wasting precious time, because that feeling kept me from practicing. My lack of confidence kept me from practicing, and my lack of practice kept me from being confident… Such a paralyzingly, debilitating cycle.

The more you feel at home the more you’re going to enjoy practicing. I know, practicing can suck. But there’s a little secret the best won’t tell you. For creatives there’s this thing called a ‘gap’. Do you feel like crap when you practice? That’s a clear sign you’re in the gap. As you begin to reach the other side, things will feel like they click more and more often. This will feed your desire to work on your craft more and more.

But getting through to this precarious struggle is incredibly hard. Many DJs don’t make it. And the ones that do? Well, they’re the ones you hear about as a result of their success.

You need all the help you can get for the gap. It’s a valley of despair. You can feel like. Maybe you’re feeling it right now reading this. It’s not fun.

What is fun is actually being able to do the things you know you can do as a DJ, and get paid handsomely for it. To get there you need to push through. And having someone at your back, rallying you towards that ‘elite few’ who seemingly have it all flips the script gives you that little push that we all need from time to time.
DJs typically go it alone. How many DJs do you know in person? I’d bet not many. Wouldn’t it be fun if you had someone at your side fighting with you? Someone who’s played this level before and knows all the cheat codes?

It’s simple: waste precious years attempting to reinvent the wheel alone, or get someone on your team to get you there easier. Faster.

Everyone knows that the older you get, the harder it becomes to pick up new skills and grow.

Don’t let your potential whither away while you sit on the sidelines, knowing you could be better.

Don’t let the growing swell of DJs pass you by as you stagnate.

Let’s set up a system to KEEP YOU GROWING. If you haven’t been excited about your mixing and the gigs you’re pulling in, your skills have been decaying whether you realize it or not. It’s that simple.

Leverage my years of DJ experience and learned success principles from the world’s largest hedgefund to turbocharge your journey as an up and coming DJ.

Inject my decade of learnings and feel like you belong behind the decks in a fraction of the time. Kick imposter syndrome to the curb.

Let’s get you so good that you want to be found out.

Learn how I:

Picked up residencies from NYC clubs to CT lounges & wine bars.

Met Major Lazer, Alok, Steve Duda, Glitch Mob and Morgan Page between our sets at Burning Man.

Doubled my revenue and gigs every year, five years running.

Was flown down to five-star resorts in the Caribbean for high-end residencies and foam parties.

Crushed pre-gig nerves.

But how?

Develop a viral word of mouth reputation so gigs come to YOU.

Run through real life scenarios so you can handle unexpected situations like a seasoned veteran.

Mix between any genre, even those tricky Pop & Hip-hop transitions.

Become comfortable manually beatmatching.

Develop a personalized system to keep your library maintained once and for all based on habits you already have!

Fearless, even when things go sideways

Never panic behind the decks again.

Send me a message and let’s get you cranking as a successful Disk Jockey you’ll be proud of.

I’ll be honest. Don’t contact me if you aren’t actually serious about bringing your DJing to the next level. I’ve spent years getting where I am and I only want to partner with the most motivated creative minds.

For those with no time to lose, reach out ASAP so we can get your summer looking a little something like this: